Hiwthi (currently)
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Home is where the heart is


Inject Love’s latest project is designed to create a unique window into the life, emotions, passions and legacy of a person, a couple or a family, as a gift for present and future generations.



We will create for you a souvenir that is made inside your house. This unique gift will be yours, but it is also a beautiful gift for children, grand children and more to come.



Welcome to our new project, HIWTHI, Home is where the heart is. Your home will always be the place for which you feel the deepest affection, no matter where it is.



Who are you?
The little things in your house…



With the help of you, your partner, your children or other family members (including your pets!), we choose a special space in your house and design and build a heart with your most treasured possessions. Things that form part of who you are today.



Creating this heart out of belongings makes it possible to understand a person in a very profound way. We can see how even the smallest things, such as a book, a picture, a cup, a song, that family members or future generations could dismiss as significant, become enormously important in a life story.



During the process, we will record the conversations that we have during our session, so that family members and future generations can understand the whole picture and why each element is significant or of emotional importance.



The sounds in your home, your voice, your stories about the objects you include in your special heart will become enormously important to make this souvenir complete.

You may be surprised to see what you ‘carry’ in your heart!



Injectlove together with the participation of the individual(s) will make 
- a unique emotional material heart
 – a professional interview about the heart



We will give in exchange
- a high unique quality print  (1/1 + 2 AP) 
- an usb with the interview 
- a contract which writes that the print and audio must be passed on to next generations.



The duration of the making of a heart and the interview is one day.